Thursday, 27 September 2012

Welcome all to the 2012/13 academic year at the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies!  

It has been a bit quieter over the summer - although the Polish survival course created quite a stir
Euro 2012 Polish Survival Course

and some thirsty souls have kept the pub night tradition going! 

But there are lots of things coming up and to look forward to - we will be updating you on this page and the fabulous
 Polish at TCD facebook page!

First up, we are still accepting takers for all of our evening courses - the deadline has been extended to 28th September:

Polish at TCDLanguage courses: 
  • Bulgarian
  • NEW: Croatian
  • Czech
  • Polish and
  • Russian

Culture courses:
  •  Milestones in the History of Russian Culture (2 semesters)
  • NEW: Introduction to Polish culture (winter semester)
  • NEW: Cultures of Central and Eastern Europe (spring semester)

And second, we will resume the pub nights next week on Wed, 3rd Oct, on our fortnightly schedule - details to follow shortly!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Introduction to Polish Culture

Introduction to Polish Culture

This course invites participants to discover modern Poland from many perspectives: from historical experience to cultural tradition and artistic innovation. Topics covered include the complex memories of the Second World War, the communist period and the migratory experience, the Jewish and Turkic influences that enrich Poland's culture, the country's folk traditions and its cutting-edge experimental art. Along the way, it examines the work of a wide variety of internationally renowned Polish artists, from the theatrical revolutionaries Grotowski and Kantor to the Oscar-winning filmmakers Wajda and Polański.
The course is intended for a wide audience with a general interest in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe and Poland in particular. The sessions are delivered in English by staff of Trinity College and special guest lecturers.
The course is part supported by the Embassy of Poland in Dublin.